03/19/25 -Received
word from Nicole Breedlove, daughter
of Roger Bocek, that Roger passed away on March 19, 2025. He was on the
Mullinnix 1965-1970 as a STG1. He was on board for the 1966 and 1969 Westpac
cruises. She thanks you all
for all of your support, and for all that you've done for my dad over the
years, he adored every one of you.
03/10/25 -Received word from Bonni J. Eichmann, 609-868-2826, daughter
of Clarence "Tom" Bragg, that Tom passed away on March 8, 2025. He
was on the Mullinnix 1963-1966. Because of his back issues he was only able to
attend one reunion a few years back in Albuquerque New Mexico. He lived in Maple Shade, New Jersey just
outside of Philadelphia.
02/14/25 -Received word from Jim Daly about his father. John R. (Jack)
Daly passed on February 10, 2025. My father served in the Navy for four years,
with his final year spent aboard the Mullinnix as a radar operator; this would
have been about 1958-1959. Dad attended some of the earliest Mullinnix
reunions: 1999, 2000 and 2002. He's pictured in group photos from all
three years on the Mux website. My father had a wonderful time at each of
those reunions. I want to thank the organizers for arranging these annual
events that are always filled with nostalgia and good cheer. Hopefully,
they'll continue well into the future.
02/2/25 - Frank C. Gatto passed away
January 16, 2025. I (Chuck Kay) was friends with Frank on Facebook. His
daughter posted the notice. Frank and I were in the same Radarman "A"
school class at Great Lakes in the spring of 1969. He got his orders to the Mux
at the end of school. He may have joined the crew during the 1969 Wespac
cruise. I came on board January 1970. I was surprised and glad Frank was on
board. We served together for 21 months. We both were RD2s. We were good
friends. I will miss him. Paul Lentini was in the Radar gang at the same time.

This picture was taken July 4, 1970 at
Valletta Malta. I'm on the right, frank is in the middle and Jack Warburton is
on the left. My most favorite Navy picture.
02/1/25 - We received word from Russ
Fawkes that Bruce Berm passed away April 4, 2013. He served aboard the Mullinnix at the same
time as Russ. Bruce usually went by the nickname "Butch" - I guess
because he was a "junior." He served on the Mullinnix during
the 1966 Westpac cruise as a Radioman.
01/21/25 - We received word that Timothy
M Cannon passed away January 18,2025. Tim served on the USS Mullinnix DD944 from 1966-1968 as an
MM3 in the forward engine room. He was a member of the crew during the 1966
Westpac deployment that provided gunfire support for US Troops ashore in Viet
9/20/24 - Plans for a 2025 Reunion in Branson, MO did not pan out.
Bottom line is that the full-service hotels with sufficient meeting space that
initially showed interest in hosting our annual reunion either did not have
enough meeting space left available or priced themselves out of our budget. At
this late date, other locations we canvassed just didn't have the meeting space
still available either. We are returning to booking reunions 2 years in advance
as we did pre-Covid so as to get ahead of the lack of sufficient affordable
meeting space issue. With Executive Board approval the change of location was
made. We regret any inconvenience this change has created.
© 2024 by The
Mullinnix Association, All rights reserved.